Choosing which direction to take after leaving school is a big decision.
We’re here to support our students and make sure they know about all the options open to them. Our curriculum focusses on careers, and we provide our students with meaningful career-related opportunities and activities throughout their time with us.
If you have any questions about careers, higher education, work experience, or if you would like more information about our careers programme please contact
Careers advice and guidance plays a pivotal role in young people’s educational journey; it supports students to discover their interests, navigate the complex world of work or training and make informed decisions about their future. Its purpose is to deliver tailored support to all young people, allowing students to gain a clearer understanding of their strengths, interests, and aspirations, and make choices aligned with their goals.
We follow the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance:
Gatsby Benchmarks: | ADL delivery: |
A stable careers programme | enrichment programme delivers at ADL |
Learning from career and labour market information | links through lessons and information days |
Addressing the needs of each pupil | 121 careers support available to each student |
Linking curriculum learning to careers | through lessons and enrichment |
Encounters with employers and employees | through information days and STEM |
Experiences of workplaces | introduction through enrichment |
Encounters with further and higher education | careers 121 support |
Personal guidance | careers 121 support |
Personal values and skills
Employability skills
Logic and problem solving skills in the work place
Green careers: what are they and how to find out about them
Work experience: what is it and how to get in
Post 16 options and pathways
Careers week and speakers
CV / personal statements: and how to write
Careers: What are your skills and values? What career do they match
121 sessions with careers advisor
Further information:
All Career Videos:
Career Pilot:
Inspiration Speakers Library: